Sunday, June 07, 2009


Most of my life I have walked on pathways that I did not create...

Ancient pathways that have been worn down from excessive use,

paved by many an ancestor feet.

Pathways that lead and guide and direct.

Pathways I want to follow.

Yet there comes a time when a person has to stop and create a pathway of their own.

One that is good and beautiful,

One that can be followed by those yet to come.


Sharon said...

Beautiful Tebs!!! Did you create that poem too? I loved it! You are an amazing writer!

Lebo Family said...

Very beautiful!! Can you create a pathway for me to follow too? :)

Angie said...

It looks amazing!

Taylor said...

That's an awesome pathway and swing Taralicious

Susan said...

Oooh! I want to make a path now. And a poem! So pretty--both!