Monday, October 17, 2011

Love of God

The Pieta, Vatican City, Italy

The Pieta, Vatican City, Italy

The Pieta, Vatican City, Italy

The Pieta, Vatican City, Italy

I have never been so touched by a work of art, as I was when I turned the corner and saw the Pieta, or when I looked up and saw the Creation of Man on the Sistine Chapel. Was it because my whole life I have heard about Michelangelo and I was seeing his work for the first time? Or was it what this sculpture and fresco represented? A mother, holding her son after he had just suffered and died for all mankind... the pain and anguish, the suffering, yet the hope and peace,the life! Or the touch between a loving Heavenly Father and His child. Whose touch, when I reach out, I can feel daily.
The Creation, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Italy

The Creation, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Italy

The Creation, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Italy

1 comment:

Mom Fin said...

Oh my!!!