Sunday, May 04, 2008

Double AA's keep going....and going.....and going

A couple of weeks ago, Angie and Abby came to visit. We had to pack a lot in, in a short amount of time. On the list of things "to do" was a photo shoot of Abby. Well..... over 200 pictures are a few!

Abby's first lime experience
Abby's first Gateway fountain experience
her second lime experience?
her first reflection
her second reflection

her third reflection

Her attempt to be Grandpa

her attempt at Darth Vader

her attempt at Rapunzel

her attempt at Tarzan

her attempt at being the American Idol

her Bells Canyon hike

her once perfectly formed piece of cake

her sweet moment with the Grand Fins

Come back any time, Angie and Abby. We loved having you here. You might even think about bringing Chad next time!


Mom Fin said...

What a wonderful time we had.
Thanks for coming girls.
Love you

Anonymous said...

awesome - awesome - abby keep on going - you have a lot of fun!